Marc Chiavon (Care Coordinator- Midcoast Maine District)

Meegan Pratt (BHP Supervisor- Southern Maine District)- March 2017

Julianne Zaharis (Care Coordinator- Midcoast Maine District)- June 2017

"I am very honored and surprised to receive this award. I must stress that I could not have received this without the teammates that have worked with me. I also love the fact that I am able to help my clients and families reach their goals every day."

"I am both honored and humbled to receive this recognition from my peers. I can not say enough about the amazing team we have in the Western Maine region, and it is easy for me to give 110% to make the region better. More specifically, it has been amazing to be part of the growth of the region's RCS program and I want to thank my RCS team for continually supporting me and also challenging me to be the best I can be. Thank you!!"

​Amanda Brown (Behavioral Health Professional, Southern Maine Region)- September 2015

"I was very surprised that my actions made me eligible for such an amazing award.  I truly felt like working on Christmas and Christmas Eve was just what needed to happen so our clients could have a holiday with their Bio Mom- as a family they had worked so hard and made such progress to have this opportunity.  I supported them almost from the very beginning (three weeks in) so I was with them their entire time with Pathways.

I was very honored. I do feel I work hard and put my all into what I love and love what I do." 

"I had no idea I had won the award. It really meant a lot to me being the first office manager to win it. I absolutely love my team here in Western Maine and everyone I have had the opportunity to work with throughout the state.  Pathways is a great company and I'm thankful to be part of such a great team.  I have read and re-read the nomination sheets that were sent in and it always brings a smile to my face!"

Gail Shelley (Office Manager, Western Maine Region)- December 2014

Tiffany Head (Clinician, Eastern Maine Region)- September 2014

Rachel Bourget (Behavioral Health Professional, Pathways Merrymeeting Center)- June 2014

Crystal Smith (BHP Supervisor, Central Maine Region)- March 2014

Past Recipients of the Maine Exceptional Award!

​Kelly Lebel (Care Coordinator, Pathways Merrymeeting Center/Midcoast Maine Regions)- December 2015

Rachel Thibeault (Regional Office Manager, Midcoast Maine Region)- June 2015

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Mesha Quinn (CLOC- Southern Maine District)- September 2016

This Quarter's Exceptional Employee Award goes to Amanda Brown from the Southern Region! Coworkers and nominations cited her willingness to take on a plethora of extra hours and travel to accommodate both her BHP schedule and filling in at Achieve. Her positive attitude and ability to work well with all clients is noticed and appreciated. Congratulations, Amanda, and thank you!!

"I started working at Pathways fresh out of college as my first “real” job in February of 2007.  Throughout my years here, I continue to be impressed by the people and the agency’s commitment to the families we serve.  I started working in direct care with kiddos on the spectrum, and was given exceptional training and knowledge about ABA and our mission.  It has been amazing to see so many children blossom and achieve their goals in the time I have worked here. I have been given so many opportunities for growth – from further training and support to become a trainer, to a supervisor, to chances to grow my skills by becoming an instructor for three of our required company-wide certifications (Mandt, BHP, and CPR), to a management position in a new region.  Every time I wanted to grow and move in a new direction, I was supported, encouraged, and given the tools I needed to be successful.  When I wanted to stay at home after the birth of my daughter, a per-diem training role was created in order for me to support that dream, and I was welcomed enthusiastically when I was ready to return full time.  Pathways is such a wonderful place, and I am humbled beyond words to have been given such an honor as the Exceptional Employee Award.  Thank you to all who found me deserving!"

“When I graduated from college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I applied to many random jobs and got an interview with Providence’s Merrymeeting Center. After getting a job offer, I accepted, thinking that even if it wasn’t the perfect job for me, that it would be something I would enjoy short term. It’s now almost 9 years later and while my title has changed several times, I can honestly say that I love my job and the company I work for. I was shocked and honored to be picked as Maine’s Exceptional Employee, I believe that how employees are treated makes a huge difference in their work ethic and I feel very lucky that I found a company that is willing to work with me to find my strengths and will let me incorporate my strengths in to my job. I never imagined that my first job out of college would turn in to a career that I enjoy going to every day, but I am so glad that I found Pathways and for the opportunities they have given me to grow professionally and personally.”

Lori Poland (Behavior Analyst Technician, Western Maine Region)- March 2015

Samuel Picard (Behavioral Health Professional- Eastern Maine Region)- March 2016

"My name is Marc Chiavon and I have been working with Pathways for just about 3 years. I started my Pathways career as a BHP and moved my way up to the Specialized BHP position. Shortly after that I was asked if I would be interested in providing Care Coordination instead and have been doing so ever since. I am truly honored that my team has nominated me as the Exceptional Employee for Pathways. The reality is that I would not be able to do the work that I do without the exceptional teams that I work with on a daily basis. The Clinicians, BHPs, Administrative Support Staff, Supervisors, etc are truly the ones who have given me the tools and the ability to go out and do the amazing work that we all do for our needy families.

An American author once wrote “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed” (Napolean Hill). With that, I thank all of you who have been there to support me, teach me, motivate me, care about me and encourage me to be better each and every day. Thank you my “Pathways Crew” for being there for me and awarding me this amazing gift.

"My favorite part of being at Pathways is how involved everyone is here and how we are part of making a difference in our client’s lives and in this company. 
We have MDTs that allow for staff from different service lines to communicate and learn from each other and Leadership MDTs that mirror the same concept with leaders reaching across the lines, clinically and administratively.   We are involved with our communities. After choosing to work at a place that serves some of our communities’ most vulnerable population, we also support our community through service projects. I’m thankful to our staff who work a hard shift, but didn’t forget to pick up the jar of gravy to add to our Thanksgiving Basket for a local food bank. We have an avenue through the EAC to give our thoughts and opinions and an ELT that genuinely wants to know , listens and then takes action as a direct result of staff involvement.  Our voices matter here at Pathway. I have never felt more heard or valued by the company I work for, then I do at Pathways. This award is extra meaningful because it comes directly from the people I work with and have so much respect for.   “You become like the five people you spend the most time with.” I am honored to work with an awesome group of people and hope that I continue to become more like them: patient, caring and dedicated professionals with a passion for making a difference in the lives of children."

Matthew Sinclair (RCS Supervisor- Pathways Merrymeeting Center)- June 2016

"I’m still so pleasantly surprised and humbled to have won this award! It’s an incredible feeling to be recognized by your coworkers, and important to note that this couldn’t have been achieved without them. After a year of working with Pathways, I still find myself in awe of how heartfelt this team is capable of being, both to each other and to the children and families we serve. I’m so grateful for this, and for the opportunity to work, learn, and grow with this team every day!"

"I can’t begin to tell you the shock when Alison read the nomination form during our meeting –I feel blessed to be part of a company that recognizes the great work that we do in the homes and with the families – but I feel that  - I was just doing what each of our great employees do each day. The woman who nominated me – went through the loss of her nephew to an overdose, and just a month prior – I had lost a dear friend in the same manner. I just was able to sit and listen, the way that my co-workers did for me. I had no idea that when I was in the midst of my own grief, that I would be able to use that just a few months later in being there for my co-worker. My mom taught me from a young age that everything happens for a reason, and how we respond to people in the midst of trials can make or break us - therefore - part of this award is my moms. I am honored and humbled to receive this award, and I will continue to be proud and excited to work for this amazing company!"

"I was honestly surprised to receive the award, and I know that I wouldn't have received it without the support of my coworkers. I honestly wish there was a way to share this with many of them because they all do amazing work everyday. With that being said I am extremely appreciative that I get to do this work and help change families lives, and it really helps to know how appreciative families are."

​Julia St. John (Clinician- Eastern Maine District)- December 2016

Meagan McDougal (Behavior Analyst Technician- Southern Maine District)- September 2017